EVENT Videos with PepBlast!
How to drive event attendance, hype, and engagement? How to keep engagement very high before, during, and after your event? PepBlast is the next big way to promote your event with little effort!
How to drive event attendance, hype, and engagement? How to keep engagement very high before, during, and after your event? PepBlast is the next big way to promote your event with little effort!
Incentivize attendees to talk about before, during and after your event: With PepBlast social video, you can tease your upcoming event, promote cool content, and feature multimedia snips that can attract your audience. As your PepBlast video is dynamic, you can adapt your video with new development and excitement, adding or removing content before, during or after the event. E.g. talk about early bird registration, featured guests, behind the scenes, special news, etc. – your update is instant and you can always remove something if that does not work, or boost content if people like it – and that happens in your PepBlast video and in your website immediately – so simple. You can make your video current and more relevant easily!
Build the buzz and get free content in a creative way: you can encourage attendees to send their selfies, photos, and clips during the event to your PepBlast video. These genuine images will make great shots in your video. In addition, you will get photos easily – besides being part of your video, these photos you can be downloaded with your PepBlast App – otherwise difficult or even impossible to get. As people are participating in your video, they will likely tell their friends and increase the buzz of your event!
Interact with your audience to amplify promotion: PepBlast is the next big way to create interactive content, by enabling your audience to participate in your video, not only liking or commenting, but being part of the creative process. During or after the event, attendees will want to share a cool video that they contribute to. Sharing these memories is a fun celebration of an exciting experience that they had, which is personal because they are in the video. Your PepBlast video can drive the conversation, improve your content, make your event more memorable, and boost the promotion of your event to the next level!
PepBlast dynamic social video helps you to increase your audience, boost your event, and maximize the buzz before, during, and after your event! Build up you prime time to engage (potential) attendees as never done before. Create you PepBlast event video today!
An example of a PepBlast video for Events: