Party – creates videos using pictures

How to save every detail of the cracking party last night ;)

The PepBlast movie creator is a new mobile app that creates videos using pictures in your mobile phone. You can use any of your own photos and create movies. There are over 1000 designs available in the app which will let you experiment with each and pick the best one for your pictures. You will also be able to create your own designs if you feel the need, as the PepBlast movie maker will enable that as well.

This app can be used to make videos for any occasion because it can be customized with personal texts and messages, fitting the situation. Imagine a rocking party that you went to last night. Wouldn’t you want to share with your friends on social media how awesome it was and what a good time you had? Of course you would. That is what social media networking is for, after all! So, go ahead and share every detail of the cracking party last night with your friends and contacts. Make the friends who did not turn up to the party jealous!

Make video with pictures and music

You can capture all the fun moments of the party, the amazing food and drinks, the dancing and the new people you got to know in your photos and save them in your phone. But to give them life and meaning would be the next task. That can be done using the PepBlast movie maker app, which will let you use your favorite pictures to make a movie. The app includes music that fits the occasion, which you can use to add life to the movie. You may pick a song of your choice as well. You can take your time to add and eliminate whatever you think is necessary, make changes to your creation and come up with your own video. The final video is sure to be exactly what you wanted and, if changes are needed, you would obviously be able to go back and edit it.

Sharing your video with your social media network is the easiest, as it is only a click away. You can upload the movie that you created to Facebook and other social media networks. The comments and likes will come flowing in no time! You can easily network with people using the videos that you created, as well as keep in contact with the new people you met at the party. Those who did not turn up at the party will regret not being there to experience the awesomeness and rock the night away if your video is successful.

So, try it out today! Download the PepBlast movie maker app and experience the user friendly features and the fun and easy process. You will definitely love it.

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